Created: 2023/5/25
Latest revision: 2023/5/25
Yanshen purchased the filaments in the bay. The orange one is from PrusaFilament, but the specific model is still TBD depending on his reply.
Searching for FilamentPM, which is the label seen on the spools, yielded these results for 1 kg spools of 1.75 mm diameter orange PETG : 0.5 kg spool
Common to these filaments are the following values:
Nozzle Temperature: 220 - 250 °C
Bed Temperature: 80 - 90 °C
Prusa themselves have suggested the following values for printing with PETG on the MK2.5S, based on the manual for said printer:
Nozzle Temperature: 240 °C
Bed Temperature: 80 - 100 °C
Model Material Settings
Based 2023/5/24 testing using a temperature tower (how to slice), the following parameters were found to be most optimal for outer appearance of the model. Parameters not listed were left at PrusaSlicer’s Prusa i3 MK2.5S printer preset, Generic PETG filament preset, and 0.20mm 100mms Linear Advance printing preset.
Nozzle Temperature
First layer: 240 °C
Other layers: 240 °C
Bed Temperature
First layer: 90 °C
Other layers: 85 °C
Retraction Length: 6 mm
Retraction Speed: 30 mm/s
First layer speed: 12 mm/s
Since the Prusa i3 MK2.5S uses a PTFE/Teflon lined hot-end (link) (link), the nozzle temperature should not be set above 240 °C if possible. Prusa suggests a nozzle temperature of 240 °C. Though a Prusa forum post with hot-end supplier’s information suggests that temperature of up to 300 °C is ok.
Support Material Settings
Based on this Reddit post discussing settings for PETG supports, it would be beneficial to use bed and nozzle temperatures at or slightly above the upper limit recommended by the manufacturer.