Monitor DC-DC Step Up Converter

  1. An ABXS002A3 Boost converter (max 65W) has been selected to convert the regulated 12V to a 19V with at least 1A output required by the monitor.

The following converter has been selected due to it’s high efficiency of 95%, and a relatively small footprint. Further cooling through heat sink or air flow may be required.


  • RTune and CTune are not needed as output ripples are not significant enough for our application.

  • RTrim has been selected to be 14kΩ to provide a regulated 18.6V output.

  • Cin will be 3x10uF (rated for 25V) setup to minimize input voltage ripples.

  • Cout will be a 3x22uF (rated for 35V) setup (possibly a 6x10uF) to minimize output voltage ripples.

Test Procedure (In-progress)

General test procedure outlined below. Test with a substitute electrical load first, then test with the monitor. Record any problems/issues noticed. Test will be conducted in an ambient temperature of ~21°C.

  1. Test Voltage output (regulated ~19V)

  2. Test Input Voltage (Draw diff amounts till max power)

  3. Voltage Ripples

  4. Test Current Draw ()

    1. Ensure at least 1A current draw as specified without heating issues

    2. Test Over-Current protection (draw ~10A)

    3. Ensure normal operation range (~20W) without heating issues

    4. Ensure max power range (~65W) with reasonable temperature ranges

Test Results

The voltage ripples were not significant. Test was conducted with a substitute electrical load first, and determined the module will require a cooling element. Testing with monitor is also in-progress.

Power (W)

Current Draw (A)

Power Dissipated (W)

Junction Temperature (°C)

Power (W)

Current Draw (A)

Power Dissipated (W)

Junction Temperature (°C)

20 W

~1 A

1.05 W

38.8 °C

55 W

~3 A

2.39 W

69.4 °C

65 W

~3.6 A

3.42 W

72.4 °C

45 W (Lower V)

~3 A (over current protection applied)

2.39 W

58.8 °C

Testing with Monitor

The monitor will be tested for “ON” state for 30 mins to determine if the module is sufficient and stable (without cooling and ~21°C)

Time (mins)

Voltage (V)

Current (A)

Temperature (°C)

Time (mins)

Voltage (V)

Current (A)

Temperature (°C)



















Thermal Consideration

To determine the optimal thermal cooling under the car’s condition, the ambient temperature of 40°C was selected. Calculations are as follows:
