We are using WaveSculptor22 for motor controller, see TritiumWaveSculptor22_Manual.pdf (tritiumcharging.com) for docs.
The motor controllers (MC) are a third-party board with a custom CAN communication protocol. The MC must send and receive messages to the driver controls (DC), however because the MC protocol is strict and thorough it requires abstraction from the rest of the system. The motor controller interface (MCI) handles this abstraction.
Moter Controller (MC)
MCI must transmit to MC every 250ms or else the MC will shut down. This will be a periodic (200ms) task.
MCI will receive updates on measurements of voltage and current, these will be transmitted to DC.
(Try to see if it’s possible to use can.h to control two can controllers simultaneously, if not, use mcp2515
needs to be migrated to fwxv)
Driver Controls (DC)
MCI will receive can msgs from DC requesting to set the car’s drive state. MCI then sends the message to MC.
MCI will transmit voltage and current updates to the main CAN line.
There are two can lines, one communicates only to MC referred to as MC-CAN, the other communicate to the rest of the car referred to as CAN.
CAN rx, MC-CAN rx
process msgs sent by CAN rx, update any states
process msgs sent by MC-CAN, update any states
build messages for MC-CAN and CAN
CAN tx, MC-CAN tx
Can Messages
WaveSculptor’s broadcast messages can be found TritiumWaveSculptor22_Manual.pdf (tritiumcharging.com) section 18.4
18.4.2: Status: Error Flags uses bits 1-8 instead of 0-7,
this was parsed incorrectly on firmware_xiv
WaveScultpor drive command message can be found in section 18.2
Drive commands to the MCI:
// drive state from center console data: target_vel: float m/s state: enum(off, drive, reverse, cruise) regen_breaking: uint8_t (boolean) if regen breaking is enabled cruise_control: uint8_t (boolean) if cruise control is enabled // pedal state from pedal data: throttle: float (0.0 - 1.0) brake: float (0.0 - 1.0)
Also takes CAN messages from pedal board to determine motor current percent (torque). This only happend when MCI is in the drive/reverse state
MCI status messages, groups by motor controller:
id: target: data: // these are updated every 200ms velocity: float rpm: float bus_voltage_v: float bus_current_a: float mc_limit_bitset: uint8_t mc_error_bitset: uint8_t // these are updated every second motor_temp_c: float heatsink_temp_c: float dsp_temp_c: float
Messages to center console
1: - velocity left: int16 (cm/s) - velocity right: int16 (cm/s) 2: - voltage left: uint16 (cmV) - current left: uint16 (cmA) - voltage right: uint16 (cmV) - current right: uint16 (cmA) 3: - limit_bitset left: uint8_t - error_bitset left: uint8_t - limit_bitset right: uint8_t - error_bitset right: uint8_t - board_fault bitset: uint8_t - overtemp bitset: uint8_t - precharge_state: uint8 4: - motor_temp left: uint16_t (C/100) - heatsink_temp left: uint16_t (C/100) - motor_temp right: uint16_t (C/100) - heatsink_temp right: uint16_t (C/100) 5: - dsp_temp left: uint32_t (C/100) - dsp_temp right: uint32_t (C/100)
precharge is handled by the center console sending the desired state to be in to motor controller, and motor controller sending the precharge status to center console.
if precharge command is high, the precharge pin should be set high to begin precharge, or do nothing if precharge is already inprogress/complete as the pin was already high. If precharge command is low, set the pin the low to begin discharge, or do nothing if the discharging is already in progress/complete when the pin is already low.