Mechanical Requirements
Rear/Side “mirror” View Cam
Speedometer km/h + mph
Battery Life/Power consumption/Vehicle Range
Drive Mode (Parked, Reverse, Drive)
Turn Indicators
Cruise Control (is this more battery intensive or more useful for conserving power)
Charging (via sun, is the array working)
Lights (DRLs on, fog, high beam)
Clock/time (could be solved by driver wearing a watch)
Whatever indicator that relays to telemetry that the mechanical side is connected
Errors Lights?
Solar Array
There exists a need to determine if 4m^2 of the Maxeon Gen 3 Solar Cells provide sufficient energy to power all of MSXV’s functions.
Power Intake from Cells (over a XXhour span) - Power Output (to drive max distance) = Net Power
If Net Power > 0, Cells are sufficient
If Net Power <=0, Cells are insufficient and replacement is required
This study is a necessity because the challenger vehicle is not permitted to contain a secondary charging method, and therefore we are limited to the power generated entirely by our solar array.