Here’s a quick diagram of how the charging power line all works out (isn’t it beautiful)
The reason for the switch to a new charger is simply for the change into Anderson output 8AWG connector from previous phoenix(?) 14AWG contact connector which required paralleling for current load. We found at FSGP 2019 the cable insulation was melting because of improper paralleling, and was one of the reasons we were considering purchasing a new charger (the new models have the Anderson while the old have the phoenix(?) connectors).
Pics from MS12: These pics have been added because we have no documentation on our paralleled harness on the DC and AC side of the elcon charger, which both had lots of issues during comp.
pic1. pei is soldering the DC side of charger harness with 4 cables for paralleling 2 between HV and 2 between ground.
pic2. you can see the terminal pei was soldering on the output of the charger (silver box) sitting in the back of the car.
pic 3. You can see the 4 wired mx150l cable going to the power junction box with the paralleled power rails from the charger.
pic 4. You can see the sketchy AC cable side of the charger (we had to redo it during FSGP 2019). We used electrical tape to seal the paralleled terminals that came out of the 240VAC end and went into a mx150L connector before reaching the a J1772 connector that would then have a harness going to the elcon charger input AC terminal type. This was sketchy, and WE WILL NOT DO THIS AGAIN for MS14. For MS14 we will have the regular J1772 interface with the input being from an off the shelf cable from outlet to charging J1772 receptacle. We will then only have the J1772 connect to a harness that interfaces with the elcon charger.
We think another reason we were trying to purchase another charger is because at first we wanted to keep the charger to charge ms12 when testing on it, but that plan fell apart after a day of trying to fix ms12 only to find it was in no shape to operate again. (ex. shorts of metal filaments in the battery boxes big oof).
Summary: we are going to try to make do with the old elcon charger for now.
Charger part number: HK-J-H198-23 (about 700$)
AC connector: (2.5 square mm wire)
DC connector: Mating connector is Anderson SB-50. (8AWG)
CAN / 12V connector: Mating connector is PP0450003. (he CANH and CANL wires are 0.3 square mm and the 12V 5A wires are 0.75 square mm.)
J1772 Recptacle: