Pack Design
Our goal is to create a 150V pack that safely supports a max load of around 100A. This is approximately 7.5kW per motor at peak, which is the peak power consumption of our NGM-SCM150 motors. Note that the 150V target is with a fully charged pack, not nominal voltage. Our WaveSculptor 20s have a continuous voltage maximum of 160V, so we never want to exceed that with our pack.
According to the Panasonic NCR18650B datasheet, each cell is rated for 3.2Ah. Assuming a target of around 1C per cell, we should be safe pulling 3.2A per cell. If each module consists of 36 cells in parallel, it would safely support around 115.2A, which provides us with some buffer space. With a maximum voltage of 4.20V each cell,
Module Dimensions
We have decided to use 36 modules each containing 36 cells. As of now each module will be 7 cm wide, 12 cm long and 16 cm high with each module being 8 cells high (two empty columns to optimize air flow) and 6 cells long.
Battery Box layout
As of now we will be using 2 separate battery boxes, one containing 12 modules and the relays and the second containing 24 modules.