Discussion topics
presenting and gathering feedback on new capabilities (e.g. support for full project view for released data including schematic and layout, improved variants support, multi-channel support, ability to download outputs directly from work in progress view, ...)
variant support has been improved
identify limitations/bugs from your perspective (e.g., multi-PCB support in web viewer)
identify main use-cases for web project view in your company (e.g., design review)
have a quick look and discuss requirements on a couple of projects in the viewer area that we're investigating now (e.g. net selection, inclusion of layer-stack view ...)
History pg lets you show diff between files (alpha), maybe consider using
New Altium project: new view for assemblers. pls let us alpha test pls
Difference in MCAD Co-Designer vs the previous MCAD extension
the same thing.
to ask MCAD co-designer manager for further details.
How do part requests work?
to individuals, assignee will work on the request
What does Library health do?
How to get rid of duplicate components (aaah)
“duplicates by name” → open in desktop, delete files.
Waiting for easier method…
Is there a section on ideal resources to have the web viewer at full capacity (Ive found extreme lag on some machines, and smooth flow on others)
WebGL and WebGL2 need to be accelerated; hopefully will resolve problems on the bay computer.
Where do I just see board size? Also is the measurement function just laggy on my end or…
Is there a way to know where all nets go on other pages (might be a designer question)
alt + double click a net to see net on other pages. “Design insights” to automatically enable. (designer)
How does trash work and when will it permanently delete?
Github support will be implemented soon! (sending links to other people, more public)