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Date | Individual | Progress |
Feb 27 2021 | Jess | BMS CARRIER testing with two AFEs, not one in the middle initially wasn't working, got just 0xff for data and PEC error plugged just far left IsoSPI to carrier, then put config back to normal, then it worked fine looking at thermistor readings only lists 12/AFE, changed to 32 (from schematics) there's some significant reworking to be done around thermistor readings seems like we already just cycle through all aux readings before proceeding, maybe can just bump to 32 different reads
I spent most of my time looking at code / data sheets, no real new testing
Things for other firmware members to do validate the controller boards sitting on elec bench (check leds, check CAN) set up what boards we currently have, make sure power sequencing works
Feb 28 2021 | Jess | BMS CARRIER worked on thermistor readings more figured out some fiddly code bits in smoketest, we seem to be getting realistic data plugging in a resistor directly to thermistor ports didn't seem to change the data we got created a real crimped 10k NTC (the expected thermistor) to test with PROBING TIME (we love hardware) we seem to be getting no signals via GPIO to the mux turns out a bunch of debugging went into this, but we never merged the changes from gerald, branch soft_222_smoke_ltc6811_validation has the changes
Temperature readings seem to be accurate now! this is so exciting Far left AFE temperatures are actually broken, readings are wack It turns out only the primary AFE reads temps correctly, which is probably a firmware issue
Feb 28 2021 | Nita | Centre Console |
Feb 28 2021 | Aashmika | AFE Validation Centre Console found all the necessary components for assembly unfortunately either jlc messed up or I did - did not have a stencil for this board, but there is one for current sense which I didnt want 😕
Motor hall effect testing |
March 2 2021 | Jess | BMS Carrier Made a code change to write the COMM register to all AFEs We now read temps from multiple AFEs correctly! It still seems like the last AFE (far left) is borked, its numbers are way off the other ones
March 6 2021 | Jess | BMS Carrier Fixed some firmware issues that stopped passive balancing from working, lol I dunno how it ever worked (I actually did the worst code review on it, my bad) passive balancing seems to be working on at least one AFE, haven’t tested on more TODO: test balancing on multiple AFEs, have to write some more code to handle this
March 6 2021 | Aashmika | Motor + WS22 TODO: |
March 6, 2021 | shanika | BMS Carrier |
March 6 2021 | Janvi + Hunter | CENTER CONSOLE Worked on finding components and assembling the board (Resistors, some caps & U5) All parts are in the Center Console box
March 7 2021 | Jess | BMS CARRIER updated project to be good rather than just smoketest fixed a few unit tests Killswitch doesn’t seem to be working at all 🤔 AFEs should be fully validated now (at least firmware is), need to test current sense again for good measure, then hook everything up
Mar 7 2021 | Mitchell | CHARGER All plug states working correctly, begin_sequence logic is correct Can logging for plug is successful, ALLOW_CHARGING recv’d correctly
March 7 2021 | Hewitt | MCI Tested and made sure it was still generally working as expected – messages from the motor controller are picked up correctly + periodically broadcast Made some small changes to FW Messages that we aren’t filtering for still get processed by the MCP2515 very rarely, will look into and try to find a fix but I haven’t been able to find a way to reproduce so far
March 13 + 14 2021 | Hewitt | MCI (+ pedal) Got speed commands working with pedal by changing some stuff to make it always in forward state. Will always send 100 rpm for forward/-100 for reverse with current code Pedal only worked for 20 seconds before starting to send int16_max for brake + throttle values. ADS1015 readings are returning STATUS_CODE_INVALID_ARGS when getting brake data (due to channel_is_enabled returning false), STATUS_CODE_TIMEOUT when getting throttle data MCI should™️ be good to test with the motor/precharge if we can get pedal working/mock pedal TXs Removing the LOG_DEBUGs in mcp2515.c causes it to stop working
March 14, 2021 | Nita | BMS CURRENT SENSE spent like 3h finding stuff got half of the components onto the board before I ran out of time and shoved everything in the reflow oven left the board in the blue box. The rest will probably have to be hand soldered