We purchased some MG Chemical 8800 Flexible Polyurethane Potting Compound from Newark to see how well it would hold up.
I used an old prototype of the battery busbars and cell holders, and pretty much just poured the 2-part mixture over the top.
It was a not a very viscous liquid, and spread out very easily - which is good, since we want a thin layer over a large area. I also placed a piece of acetal on top to see how well it would stick. I mixed about 16mL of part A and 8mL of part B in the mixing cup and stirred for a minute or so before pouring it over the parts.
It requires 24h at room temp to cure, so we’ll have some results tomorrow.
After letting it sit in my room for 24h, the resin had solidified to a little softer than those red, blue, and white bouncy balls. It stuck to the acetal piece that I put on top of it, the nickel clad busbar, and the PETG cell holder fairly well. I think it will stick much better to ABS since that tends to like glue better than PETG, at least from what I have seen. Overall, we will definitely move forward with it!