Facilitate hardware triggering firmware actions.
Read ADC
Interact with GPIO
CAN messages
PWM - later
Python library to be accessed via python shell
Call functions like
gpio_set/get(port, pin) -> bool # re-init pin every time this is called adc_read_raw/converted(gpio_address) -> int spi_exchange(spi_port, mode, tx: list, rx_len, baudrate=None, cs=None) -> rx: list # re-init spi for given port every call i2c_write(i2c_port, addr, tx: list, reg=None) -> None i2c_read(i2c_port, addr, rx_len, reg=None) -> rx: list can_send_raw(id, data: list) -> None load_dbc(path) -> None # could be auto-loaded in 'make babydriver' can_send_msg(msg_name, *data) -> None # auto checks based on dbc if valid
Two components: python library, and firmware project
Generic status message:
add as we need
Flow for gpio:
register rx handler for
messagehandler inits gpio port with output and given state
Example: gpio_set
CAN message could look like:
id: gpio_set data: uint8 port, uint8 pin, bool state
Flow for spi:
metadata msg 1: uint16 port, mode, tx_len, rx_len metadata msg 2: uint32 baudrate uint8 cs_port, cs_pin expect enough messages to cover tx_len bytes (8 * uint8) then, return messages: listen for enough messages to cover rx_len (8 * uint8) so, messages required: - spi_metadata_1 - spi_metadata_2 - babydriver_data_tx - babydriver_data_rx
Task list
setup project structure
make new C project
init CAN, write main() method, other setup (not registering specific rx handlers)
includes a
folder with python scriptsetup makefile to allow
make babydriver
program babydriver
puts you in a python shell with baby driver library loaded
write simple CAN abstraction layer
sending message, waiting for message, initializing CAN
have simple representation of can message
function takes in a list of tuples(len_in_bytes, val)
setup gpio functions in python
refer to this doc for details on flow
setup gpio functions in C and create CAN message in codegen-tooling
refer to this doc for details
etc. for other python and C implementations of firmware functions