Type | Description | Advantages | Disadvantages | Price / Purchase links |
Silicone Resin (SR) | Confromational Coating using a Silicon Resin Base |
| $37CAD - https://uk.farnell.com/electrolube/fsc400/coating-silicone-flexible/dp/1616570 ($37) |
Acrylic Resin (AR) | Confromational Coating using a Silicon Resin Base |
| https://www.mouser.ca/ProductDetail/MG-Chemicals/844AR-340G?qs=T3oQrply3y9urZcHv3hIkA%3D%3D$16CAD - $28 but free shipping to Canada https://ukwww.farnellamazon.com/electrolube/apl400h/coating-conformal-acrylic/dp/3026838?st=Conformal%20Coatingca/MG-Chemicals-Acrylic-Lacquer-Conformal/dp/B008OA7178/ |
Potting Materials | Potting uses a "pot" in the form of a case, shell or similar enclosure, to completely cover the board, protecting it from the surrounding environment - a tough form-fitted shell around the board. |
| Due to these downsides of potting, it would not be feasible for our purposes. |