Trello Card:
Here is the product developed by Bose to cancel noise in cars:
Active noise control (ANC)
Accelerometers mounted on the vehicle body enable a Bose algorithm to continuously measure vibrations that create noise. This information is then used to calculate an acoustic cancellation signal, which is delivered through the vehicle’s speakers to reduce the targeted noise.
-Housing: noise-canceling foam for walls
Steel Sound Enclosure: Constructed of modular steel panels
Silencers(attenuators or mufflers): offer the highest level of sound reduction for air generated noise
Baffles: are an economical and unobtrusive method for adding sound absorption to a noisy area where equipment access is at a premium and enclosures are not a practical solution for sound control.
Sound Blanket
Implementation ideas:
Earphone Mechanism: having the software embedded in the speaker system.
Foam/Sound Blanket: considering changing the foam for seats(head cushion)
Enclosure: have to be built around engines(Practical?)
Silencer for the wind?
Idea Selection:
Focusing on passive sound cancellation.
Rationale: Active ones are expensive and consume power. Changing some material in the interior seems to be more applicable.
Earcup shape: to be continued
Next Steps:
These are the next steps that will be taken to solve this problem