Heat gun for rework
Agilent Power Supply
The red and black alligator clips, or at least banana:alligator clipsbanana - alligator clips
ultra-fit power connection
Weller Soldering Iron
Solder, flux
, copper braid, solder tips,
brass sponge, solder paste,
kapton tape, extra solder tip
Tweezers, cutters, needle nose pliers and Exactoknife
Controller Boards, parts, and stencilsstencil, we should have parts for 30.
The rev from JLC PCB with the pick and place panel, and the solder paste scraper blade
MPPTs x2 (18-33V)
SWD adapters + programmers (Grab box of firmware stuff)
Raspberry Pi 3B+, Micro SD Cards, etc.
DCDC push pins, heat sink (might have to take off of old DCDC) and vicor module
Take entire DCDC board (Rev 1)DC-DC Rev 1 box from on top of the electrical shelf (make sure it has the old board, an extra heatsink, push pins and module)
PEAK CAN-USB adapter
Small spool of 22 gauge wire (preferably two colours)
Molex crimp tools + microfit/ultrafit/duraclick crimps?