Notes: In the context of the telemetry dashboard, does it make sense to have popups? from a “oh no there is an error here’s a popup that tells me something has gone terribly wrong” perspective, it makes total sense because it pays to have the error displayed immediately and grab your attention. But from a data analysis perspective it doesn’t.
Error Figma Flow: https://www.figma.com/file/3aK1Tv5WAr8r7XyXOpstWI/Untitled?node-id=2%3A2
**Historical data – Joy He (Deactivated)
Fault investigation: As a team member, I need to be able to find and see all the data at the time that a fault occurred, so I can figure out what went wrong.
When fault occurs, dashboard at that time is automatically saved/bookmarked and is accessible somewhere, so it can quickly be pulled up/jumped to
Navigating historical data: As a team member, I need to be able to find and view all the data at a specific time (ie from hours earlier). For example, we may have gone up a hill at 4:35PM, and I am curious about how that affected x, y, and z.
Ability to save/bookmark dashboard when special event is occuring
Different UI view/styling when in historical mode vs real-time
Start/end time picker? – 24 hours; and a different component if we decide to do beyond 24 hours
Race time
Rapid context changes: As a team member that frequently rotates in and out of looking at the dashboard, I need to be able to decipher the dashboard and the state of the system quickly with limited context so that these rotations can happen efficiently.
Don’t overwhelm them with information
Fewer and larger graphs/pieces of information at the forefront
Logically grouped graphs/information
Better graph labelling where the information can be read and processed by non-firmware users (or anyone who may not be so familiar with the content).