Versions Compared


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  • Process:

  • Pros:

    • Brian, the machinist, is willing to machine any of the MSXV molds in house so long as they’re made of foam (2 day downtime compared to looking for a sponsor to get a single mold machined)

    • Lightweight molds, can be easily carried by one or two people (even the larger scale molds)

    • Sanding surface is much faster than that of MDF (although can be a downfall of the foam if not careful)

    • Lower cost than that of MDF where a 4' x 8' x 1” sheet comes in at $43.50 (

    • Does not tear off in chunks during machining, and if it did, expanding foam can be used to re-fill that removed section? (assumption)

  • Cons:

    • may be leaky (need to treat with chemicals in order to be able to tacky tape to the mold itself)

    • Rather porous and will need epoxy to prevent any resin during a layup from seeping through


  • Requires a foam plug

    • Creating the plug entails the same process as a full foam mold, so going straight to the foam mold might be time efficient

  • Ways to make the foam mold include:

  • Adding fiber glass onto the foam molds might be a good way to improve the surface finish and make the mold less leaky (plus we have a lot of fiberglass).

  • Pros:

    • potentially less sanding (less time maybe)

    • mold is reusable

    • better surface finish than just a foam plug

  • Cons:

    • more material

    • more expensive

    • will still require sanding the foam

    • more time (maybe)


  • Process

  • Pros

  • Cons

3D printing

Thermoforming Molds:

Fiber glass, wood, aluminum, and foam all see to be viable as molds.

Are we planning in house or sponsor?

Additional resources:

Foam Molds