5 October 2021
CAN messages: CAN Message Definitions MSXIV
23 August 2021
Strategy will likely be using the Dash framework (Python), which is built on top of Plot.ly
Because we’re using the Dash framework, it has ~40 types of graphs built in already, so we don’t need to design the actual graphs
see all of them here: https://plotly.com/python/
they already have a bunch of nice features built in like “hover to see values” and zoom/pan
Now the focus is: how do we arrange these graphs in an effective way?
Think about everything in cards
https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/731451122947612104/Charts – Figma plugin: use this for your chart placeholders when you’re mocking things up!
26 July 2021
Wrote up user stories in User Stories
As team, went over insights from interviews and brainstormed big-picture potential dashboard organization/features in FigJam
Pulled out and assigned 4 of the most complex/important user stories
Finding/searching for data/filtering – Riishi Jeevakumar
Displaying values vs booleans vs enums & comparing data – Catherine Burns
Displaying Faults – Cheryl Li
Historical data – Joy He (Deactivated)
Deliverables for next week:
Brainstorm as many concepts as you’d like
Recommended: diagram out the user flow. This is a sample one I did for a hackathon (a slightly shitty app for crowdsourced leftovers) https://drive.google.com/file/d/19wIMkiZAql_yDnEB4oYsX-W2dzRsfihV/view?usp=sharing – yours will likely be much simpler (only 1 flow for each concept, no subflows)
Sketches (can be pen and paper) or wireframes (figma) of 2-3 concepts
Remember storyboarding? Ideally the sketches/wireframes would be in some kind of storyboard form, and follow the user flow
If you’re strapped for time, a simple sketch communicating each of your concepts will do
I forgot to mention this, but if you see any random stuff in the wild that looks aesthetic, throw it in here 🤷♀️ https://www.figma.com/file/7an6eJ4dgmSnQP0P3TFxds/Telemetry-Dash-Moodboard?node-id=0%3A1
Any random stuff (like Stats Canada) that you think would be good inspo for someone else/the rest of the team, share it over Slack!
19 July 2021
General Updates/what we’ve been up to
Notice that the sample has 5 main research questions/themes. These are your guiding questions that you are seeking to answer. They are BIG and ambiguous.
This weekend (June 12/13), try to come up with 5 big questions EACH that you want answered
5*4 = 20 questions total
10 for MSXIV dash (Rishii and Joy), 10 for MSXII dash (Cheryl and Catherine)
As a team, we will discuss what questions we want to prioritize (ie if all of us came up with the same question, we likely want to include that question)
Next week, flesh out the sub-questions for the big questions/themes we agree on
I will try to provide guidance on this if needed, or prompts to help you brainstorm
I will also be re-splitting up the interview guides, because I feel that we may need different ones for each subteam using telemetry – let’s discuss Monday
[link to resources/example]
Tasks | People |
Prepare interview guide for users who will be using the MSXIV telemetry dashboard that we design
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Prepare interview guide for past users of the MSXII dashboard
MSXII - Cheryl Li
New/Current one - Riishi Jeevakumar
31 May 2021
Questions/Comments/Concerns! |
Tasks | People |
Compile list of technical requirements in Technical Requirements -- Telemetry Dashboard
Begin thinking about user needs
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Competitive analysis in Competitive Analysis -- Telemetry Dashboard
Timeline stuff???
When are midterms? When does the term end for everyone?
Midterms are scattered all throughout June
July slightly lighter
Individual Tasks (2 people on each) – how long do we need?
Tasks | People |
Compile list of technical requirements in Technical Requirements -- Telemetry Dashboard
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Competitive analysis in Competitive Analysis -- Telemetry Dashboard
Upcoming Tasks | People |
Start looking at user needs – we know nothing about this right now
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Digging deeper into pain points with existing data visualization solutions
To-Dos for me Joy He (Deactivated)