Build a 36x1 pack to mimic the voltage of our pack (Forest Zhou ) | September 30th
this is a requirement for many critical path tasks, not just coulomb counting
hook up voltage taps to AFEs
Work with Mitch to figure out a few SoC estimation techniques which are locally viable (Eric ZhaoMitchell Langdon Ostler ) | October 31st
implemented on an STM32?
computational constraints?
Develop a test plan (Eric Zhao Forest Zhou) | November 30th
determine the actual capacity of 36x1 pack (Forest Zhou) | Dec 1st
hook up pack via MCU to the Motor (Forest Zhou) | Dec 1st
waiting on hardware (eg. BMS)… to completehardware…
this is a requirement for many critical path tasks, not just coulomb counting
test/validate SoC estimation technique (Kostubh Agarwal Forest Zhou Eric Zhao )| January 31st, 2024
parameter estimation and tuning (Kostubh Agarwal | March 31st, 2024