- User holds the brakes down.
- Pedal Board sends a message to the Centre Console.
- Centre Console receives the message and now knows that brakes are pressed.
- User presses the power button.
- Centre Console receives power button press, and will begin the power-up process.
- Centre Console sends a message to Front Power Distribution to turn on Driver Display.
- Centre Console sends a message to Aux BMS/Power Distribution to ensure we have enough voltage to close the relays.
- Aux BMS/Power Distribution says that there IS ENOUGH CHARGE.
- Centre Console sends a message to Rear Power Distribution to turn on BMS Carrier
- Rear Power Distribution turns ON BMS Carrier, checks if there's no faults.
- BMS Carrier tells Centre Console that it's UP.
- Centre Console asks BMS Carrier for the state of the batteries and relays.
- BMS Carrier checks the state of main battery (includes making sure battery relays are open), state is OK.
- BMS Carrier responds to Centre Console.
- Centre Console sends a message to Rear Power Distribution to turn on Motor Controller Interface/Pre-Charge.
- Rear Power Distribution turns ON Motor Controller Interface/Pre-Charge, checks if there's no faults.
- Motor Controller Interface/Pre-Charge tells Centre Console that it's UP.
- Centre Console tells Motor Controller Interface/Pre-Charge to check the status of cable connections.
- Motor Controller Interface/Pre-Charge tells Centre Console that cable connections are okay.
- Centre Console asks Motor Controller Interface/Pre-Charge for the state of the motor relays.
- Motor Controller Interface/Pre-Charge responds to Centre Console, state is OK.
- BMS Carrier board checks for the state of batteries, and sends a message to the Centre Console board.
- Centre Console sends a message to BMS Carrier to close the battery relays.
- Centre Console asks BMS Carrier if the battery relays got closed.
- Centre Console sends a message to Motor Controller Interface/Pre-Charge to start the pre-charge process.
- Motor Controller Interface/Pre-Charge WILL KNOW that pre-charge is done, will let Centre Console know that pre-charge is done.
- Centre Console asks Rear Power Distribution if DC-DC has connected, therefore it's getting its power from Main Battery. (Note: other boards are not powered yet!)
- Centre Console should ask both Rear Power Distribution and Front Power Distribution to close all of their switches.
- Both Rear Power Distribution and Front Power Distribution check if there's no fault at the switches, and lets Centre Console know that we're good.
- Centre Console sends a message to Motor Controller Interface/Pre-Charge to close its relays.
- Motor Controller Interface/Pre-Charge lets Centre Console know that relays are closed FOR REALZ.
- Driver Display will ask Centre Console for status: all the status are fine, and will indicate that WE CAN DRIVE!