Controller Board Validation
Board ID | Blinking LEDs | Tutorial Board: ADC | Tutorial Board: Button Press |
1 | | | - S1 Green Button Works
- S2 Yellow Button does not work
- PB4 Yellow does not turn off
2 |
PA15 Blue LED does not work | | - PB3 Red shorted
- PB4 Yellow shorted
3 | | | |
4 (Dead board?) | | | |
5 (Dead board?) | |
work when controller board only- (Program unable to find device)
| | |
6(Dead board?) | - Nothing works for this (Program is never able to find the device)
7 | | | |
8 | - Works
- However PA15 does not blink
| | |
9 (Cannot read) | | | |
10 (Cannot read) | - Doesn't work
- LEDs are always blinking when plugged in even when blinking
- LEDs program is not run
| | |
11 (Cannot read) | - Doesn't work
- PB4 Yellow LED is turned on without tutorial board
- PB3 Red LED is turned on with tutorial board
| | - Not Working
- Pressing green button without program turns on LED1 and PB3 Red LED
12 (Dead board?) (Cannot read) | | | |
13 | | - doesn't work, but may be tutorial board
| - weird flashing of leds, and only green button works (might be tut board once again)
Testing lights: Use any controller board works
ADC: Controller board 8 + Tutorial board 2
Buttons Press: Controller board 8 + Tutorial board 5