This page is a collection of the calculations, options and details pertaining to the array for MS-XIV.
- Array normalization
- Send proposal of layout to Sunpower
In discussions with:
- Gochermann Solar Technologies (
- Contact: Oliver (
- SunCat Solar
- Contact: Alain (
- Wattlab
- Contact: David Kester (
- SunPower
- Contact: In process of retrieving
Solar Collector Details
Solar cells being used: Decision has not yet been made pending quotes on the E66 ?e3 generation cells. The current fallback is the Sunpower E60 Me1 cells (same as those used on MSXII)
MPPTs: We would prefer Elmar based on the layout of the array panel, however still waiting to hear back from Elmar. The Nomura MPPTs experienced issues with MSXII and we were advised against using them for this car.
- Nomura 18-33V - Manual
- Elmar
Array Layout
Aerobody Array Layout
Array Configuration
(as of Nov. 2) - To be Reviewed
Left three sections will be on a detachable panel, split down the middle will be panel separation, rearview camera, brake lights, etc.
Cell Dimensions
Length × Width = 125 cm × 125 cm
Area = 153 cm²
Array Output Calculations and Solar Array Layout Template
MSXIV Array Layout Calculations Template V2.xls
Option 1:
- 12 modules, 2 strings of 6 in series that are parallel to each other
- 12 MPPTs
- Basic calculations to determine number of cells per module depending on number of Nomura/Elmar MPPTs in series
- MSXIV Array Layout Template
- Dimensions for each panel
- Power Calculations
MSXIV Array Layout and Output Calculations (OLD)
MSXIV Array Layout Calculations Template.xls
Solar Equations
Solar Equations (external)
Option 1 and 2
Gochermann Counterproposal V1
Meeting Notes
- July 20 - Aerobody Integration Meeting
- July 20 - Solar Array Meeting
- July 27 - Past Design Decisions, Array Layout Feedback, Current Considerations
- Nov. 3, 2019 - Array Layout Review