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Leads, please update the above with the most up to date schedule.
Below is an uncontrolled copy of our calendar, please refer to the live link for the most up to date info.
September 2023
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 1 | 2 |
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Design Team Showcase 3-5 PM | 7 First General 7-9 PM | 8 | 9 Mech 101 12-1:30 PM Battery101 4:00-5:00 |
10 | 11 Competition Overview (What We are Racing For) 7-8:30 PM | 12 Composites/Molds 101 7-8 PM HW Onboarding Activity [8-9:30?] | 13 Battery 101 7-8 PM Chassis/Interiors 101 8-8:45 PM Battery Spotwelding 101 [sign up times] | 14 Solar Vehicle Aerodynamics 101 7-8PM Dynamics 101 + Meeting 8-9PM | 15 | 16 [HTN] Mech Gen 1-1:15 PMBattery Meeting 1:15-1:45PM Chassis/Interiors Meeting 2-2:30PM Battery Working Session 1:30-5:00PM |
17 | 18 Battery Design Sprint Review 1 7-8PM | 19 CFD 101 7-8PM7:45 PM Aero Design Sprint Intro 8Meeting 7:45-8:15PM15 PM | 20 CAD 101 7-9 PM Battery check-in 6:00-6:30 | 21 MasterCAM 101 6:30-7:30 PM FEA 101 7:30-8 9:00 PM | 22 | 23 Mech Gen 1-1:15 PM Battery Meeting 1:15-1:45PM Chassis/Interiors Meeting and Design Intro 2-2:30PM DYN Design Sprint Review 1 2 2:45PMWorking Session #1 [??? PM] HW Working Session [1 - 3 PM] BAT Working Session 1:30-5:00PM |
24 | 25 Battery Design Sprint Review 2 7-8PM | 26 Aero Meeting 7:00-7:30 PM Aero Design Sprint Review 1 7:30-8:30PM | 27 CAD 102 7-8 PM Battery check-in 6:00-6:30 | 28 Interiors Design Sprint Review 1 7-8 PM | 29 | 30 Mech Gen 1-1:15 PMBattery Meeting 1:15-1:45PM Chassis/Interiors Meeting 2-2:30PM DYN Design Sprint Review 2 2:45PMWorking Session #2 [??? PM] |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 | 2 Final Battery Design Sprint Review 7-8PM | 3 Aero Meeting 7:00-7:30 PM Aero Design Sprint Review 2 7:30-8:30PM | 4 | 5 Interiors Design Sprint Review 2 7-8 PM | 6 | 7 Mech Gen 1-1:15 PM Battery Meeting BAT Working Session 1:1530-15:45PM00PM Chassis/Interiors Meeting 2-2:30PM DYN Design Sprint Review 3 2:45PM[??? PM] |
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 READING WEEK | 12 | 13 | 14 |
15 | 16 | 17 Aero Meeting 7:00-7:30 PM Final Aero Design Sprint Review 7:30-8:30PM | 18 | 19 Final Interiors Design Sprint Review 7-8 PM | 20 | 21 Mech Gen 1-1:15 PM Battery Meeting BAT Working Session 1:1530-15:45PM00PM Chassis/Interiors Meeting 2-2:30PM |
22 | 23 | 24Final Aero Design Sprint Review 7:30-8:30PM | 25 | 26 Final Interiors Design Sprint Review 7-8 PM | 27 | 28 Mech Gen 1-1:15 PM Battery Meeting 1:15-1:45PM Chassis/Interiors Meeting 2-2:30PM Final DYN Design Sprint Review 2:45PM |
29 | 30 | 31` | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Mech Gen 1-1:15 PM Battery Meeting 1:15-1:45PM Chassis/Interiors Meeting 2-2:30PM |