5 October 2021
CAN messages: CAN Message Definitions MSXIV
23 August 2021
Strategy will likely be using the Dash framework (Python), which is built on top of Plot.ly
Because we’re using the Dash framework, it has ~40 types of graphs built in already, so we don’t need to design the actual graphs
see all of them here: https://plotly.com/python/
they already have a bunch of nice features built in like “hover to see values” and zoom/pan
Now the focus is: how do we arrange these graphs in an effective way?
Think about everything in cards
https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/731451122947612104/Charts – Figma plugin: use this for your chart placeholders when you’re mocking things up!
26 July 2021
Wrote up user stories in User Stories
As team, went over insights from interviews and brainstormed big-picture potential dashboard organization/features in FigJam
Pulled out and assigned 4 of the most complex/important user stories
Finding/searching for data/filtering – Riishi Jeevakumar
Displaying values vs booleans vs enums & comparing data – Catherine Burns
Displaying Faults – Cheryl Li
Historical data – Joy He (Deactivated)
Deliverables for next week:
Brainstorm as many concepts as you’d like
Recommended: diagram out the user flow. This is a sample one I did for a hackathon (a slightly shitty app for crowdsourced leftovers) https://drive.google.com/file/d/19wIMkiZAql_yDnEB4oYsX-W2dzRsfihV/view?usp=sharing – yours will likely be much simpler (only 1 flow for each concept, no subflows)
Sketches (can be pen and paper) or wireframes (figma) of 2-3 concepts
Remember storyboarding? Ideally the sketches/wireframes would be in some kind of storyboard form, and follow the user flow
If you’re strapped for time, a simple sketch communicating each of your concepts will do
I forgot to mention this, but if you see any random stuff in the wild that looks aesthetic, throw it in here 🤷♀️ https://www.figma.com/file/7an6eJ4dgmSnQP0P3TFxds/Telemetry-Dash-Moodboard?node-id=0%3A1
Any random stuff (like Stats Canada) that you think would be good inspo for someone else/the rest of the team, share it over Slack!
19 July 2021
General Updates/what we’ve been up to
Wrapping up interviews
[list of people we interviewed]
Ryan Dancy – Firmware
Emma Wai – Strategy
Michael Shiozaki – MSXII, Strategy
Avery Chiu – Firmware + our main point of contact
Aashmika Mali - Hardware, MSXII
James Lin – Hardware
Hewitt – Firmware
Micah Black – Hardware; upcoming
What to do this week
your notes
link to the cardsorts that you have access to
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rRaQj6PiY_Yw-c7wpVUwlNMvqkTihZBt/view?usp=sharing – Firmware
https://drive.google.com/file/d/17n6PGQ5VoHAkqF0M-GYx1rX_Le_Ee3dR/view?usp=sharing – Hardware
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UnQTMgNIpVUl1WBEOoWPL-f1ktRXbT3g/view?usp=sharing – Firmware
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WCn8ml2O2V6nKDeSbTZwVHCmwQpjqPO8/view?usp=sharing – Hardware
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qyHk3GtLf3RpG1S_G2ByevmMRzbijaNY/view?usp=sharing – Hardware
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z4FXWx_JVjtZYsPyVMM8EfJHS6YDLmDF/view – Strategy
Fill this out with
important/relevant points from the notes that you’ve been assigned to look over
observations from the card sorts that you’ve been assigned to look over
Coming up
Interview with Micah Black (hardware lead) at some point this week
Next check-in we’ll discuss what we found and begin thinking about how to approach the design
ticket-by-ticket approach? how to divide up tickets?
subteam-by-subteam approach?
other approaches?
Iron out timelines some more. Bug Kristen about what she expects us to have done this term.
Start ✨ moodboarding ✨
5 July 2021
Interview Guides
Went over interview guides for firmware and software and gave feedback
Iterate on them throughout this week
Joy He (Deactivated) will do interview with Ryan Dancy (firmware lead) this Thursday at 7:00pm
Cannibalize questions from other interview guides for this one
Rest of us will sit in, take notes, observe
Interview scheduled for Sunday July 11 at 1pm with Emma Wai (strategy lead)
Riishi Jeevakumar will run this one, rest of us take notes
Interview Guides Feedback
Don’t make assumptions about the current state/usage of the system
You don’t know if they’re currently using telemetry, if they’ve done stuff in the past, etc
Lead with an open-ended question such as “tell me about your experiences with [thing you want to ask about]” then go into the specific thing you want to investigate
Or you’ll get a blank look and “we don’t use this” or “what thing?”
When trying to suss out usage patterns, lead with a “scenario-setting” question
“What current tasks within MidSun involve data visualization? Tell me about them?”
Then go into trying to suss out usage patterns, design patterns, current solutions
Forcing people to think of specific scenarios/examples give you richer, more accurate, less speculative answers
Pay attention to wording: will the other person know what you’re trying to ask them about? Keep your wording specific.
Essentially, ask open-ended (“vague”) questions to find and establish specific tasks/situations/scenarios that are relevant to what you want to know about, then you can drill down
Card Sorting
May be done in FigJam, Joy He (Deactivated) needs to investigate + set up
Will be done for all interviews
Based off of technical reqs and all data points outlined here https://uwmidsun.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/S/pages/2760245765/can+dbc+Breakdown
Technical Req’s
Some stuff still needs to be clarified (tagged in red) ideally by this week
Give it a read to give you an idea of the data we’re dealing with, but no need to spend time on it
30 June 2021 (not a meeting)
Action Items for this week
Joy He (Deactivated)
Upload updated technical requirements doc onto Confluence
Trawl Confluence for more documentation on unanswered/unknown comments
Reach out to interview participants
Book interviews starting around July 7 at the earliest (likely later, depending on IG refinement needed)
Put together card-sorting exercise
Joy He (Deactivated) Catherine Burns Riishi Jeevakumar Cheryl Li
Upload your finished first iteration of interview guide onto Confluence before Monday’s meeting
Monday July 5th may be more of a working session to refine the interview guide
Practice-run-throughs would be nice: not sure how to approach them. Let’s discuss.
Each person is encouraged to run their own interview session – I’ll sit in as notetaker/get stuff on track if needed
Everyone is (more strongly) encouraged to sit in on all the interviews and take notes
Potential Task: getting access to MSXII dashboard (since all of you are frontend devs and more savvy with code lmao)
14 June 2021
Started Interview Guide
Wrote down questions as sticky notes in FigJam and discussed which 5 questions to focus on for each interview guide (MSXIV and MSXII) https://www.figma.com/file/9H2vLH5BcZYCq1SUbvP9wC/Interview-Guide-Brainstorming?node-id=0%3A1
MSXIV: themes and example questions
1. Introductory
Familiarity with IRL races
Familiarity with telemetry
2. **Data prioritization* *
Data to include
Data to not include/hide?
3. Process involved in performing tasks
Current data visualization practices (spreadsheets)
What sequence/steps would you take to check x?
Try to avoid speculative questions here as much as possible
4. Stakeholder stuff
How strategy is building it
Manage expectations -- what do they know about this project?
5. Think of your own theme!
1. IRL experience – talk about what the race was like
2. Data prioritization
most, least useful data
Where could we have cut data
3. Process involved in performing tasks
Current data visualization practices (spreadsheets)
What sequence/steps would you take to check x?
Try to avoid speculative questions here as much as possible
4. Problems with MSXII dashboard
5. Think of your own theme!
Next steps
Discussed how to split up interview guides
split into 4 guides with 1 person on each
software, firmware, hardware, msxii
MSXII – Catherine Burns
Software – Riishi Jeevakumar
Hardware – Joy He (Deactivated)
Firmware – Cheryl Li
Brainstorm as many questions as you can for each theme
The questions for soft/firm/hardware/msxii will overlap – that’s great, we want that!
Create a page in confluence with your questions
Next meeting we can look over each other’s questions, and spend the next week tweaking interview guides based on stuff we liked from other people’s interview guides
I will start reaching out to the people we are interviewing
The technical requirements from the dbc file are coming I swear
Currently making Avery look over them
12 June 2021 (pre-meeting notes)
Not a meeting
Technical Requirements
Firmware gave me a file with all the telemetry outputs :P
Single source of truth for everything that telemetry is measuring – super nice lol
I’ll be revising the technical requirements doc based on that file by Monday’s meeting
Interview Overview!
Goal is to get these done over this month, try to end by July 10 at the latest
I have a list of 6.5 people to interview – I’ll reach out to them over the next two weeks to arrange 0.5-1 hour interviews depending on how the interview guides are going, and how prepared we are.
MSXIV (current): these are all leads
Hardware – James Lin
Firmware – Ryan Dancy, Mitchell Osler
Strategy – Emma Wai
MSXII (past)
Aaron Tan
Avery Chiu (our main point of contact for questions)
Taiping (may not be reachable…hence 0.5)
Who’s using telemetry?
Even though we’re only interviewing leads, EVERYONE on hardware, firmware, and strategy are expected to be able to use the telemetry dashboard
The leads will know the use cases the best, and will be the people onboarding members to teach them how to deal with telemetry
Ideally you’d want to interview “regular” team members, but a) we don’t have names b) none of them will know much.
How will the actual interviews work?
One person acts as the “main interviewer” – they will be asking most of the questions and directing the interview
The rest of the people listen in on the interview (cameras off) and act as notetakers
They are also expected to step in with any questions that they have, and help prompt the interviewer if they’re having trouble
It’s good practice to record interviews and go over recordings after the fact. However, it’s very time-consuming and we have multiple people able to take notes – so I don’t want to do it.
I will save transcripts/recordings for reference, but we don’t want to fully go over all of them
Take good, detailed notes during the interview
Don’t do schoolwork/other stuff during the interviews lmao
It would be Very Cool if y’all were able to act as the “main interviewer” at least once
Really good experience and helps differentiate you as a UX applicant, since most people never get the chance to do research with actual users
HOWEVER, the interview guide must be well prepared/fully fleshed out (or I won’t let you do it :P)
Interview Guides
I will screenshare one of the interview guides I created for co-op during Monday’s meeting (June 14).
A really structured way to create interview guides: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/interview-guide/
Example interview guide: https://media.nngroup.com/media/editor/2021/02/05/example_interview_guide.pdf
Notice that the sample has 5 main research questions/themes. These are your guiding questions that you are seeking to answer. They are BIG and ambiguous.
This weekend (June 12/13), try to come up with 5 big questions EACH that you want answered
5*4 = 20 questions total
10 for MSXIV dash (Rishii and Joy), 10 for MSXII dash (Cheryl and Catherine)
As a team, we will discuss what questions we want to prioritize (ie if all of us came up with the same question, we likely want to include that question)
Next week, flesh out the sub-questions for the big questions/themes we agree on
I will try to provide guidance on this if needed, or prompts to help you brainstorm
I will also be re-splitting up the interview guides, because I feel that we may need different ones for each subteam using telemetry – let’s discuss Monday
If you want a more comprehensive guide on user research in general (not just interview guides) go through the articles here https://uxrfieldguide.com/
Very good introduction on how to conduct user research well
Good overview of biases to avoid
7 June 2021
Go over Technical Requirements doc with Avery
Begin user recruitment – get names from Avery, start reaching out to people
Catherine Burns pick one of the tasks below, and slack me if you have any questions!
Interview guides
I plan to run semi-structured interviews: this means that you have a list of questions and topics you want to cover, but you’re not going down the list strictly – otherwise you sound like a robocall and it’s uncomfortable for everyone involved.
You’ll often base your inquiries on something interesting the person says until you’ve wrung out all the info on that line of inquiry, then move on to a question you’ve prepared.
Instead of a strict list of questions, we’ll begin preparing interview guides this week.
[link to resources/example]
Tasks | People |
Prepare interview guide for users who will be using the MSXIV telemetry dashboard that we design
| |
Prepare interview guide for past users of the MSXII dashboard
MSXII - Cheryl Li
New/Current one - Riishi Jeevakumar
31 May 2021
Questions/Comments/Concerns! |
Tasks | People |
Compile list of technical requirements in Technical Requirements -- Telemetry Dashboard
Begin thinking about user needs
| |
Competitive analysis in Competitive Analysis -- Telemetry Dashboard
Timeline stuff???
When are midterms? When does the term end for everyone?
Midterms are scattered all throughout June
July slightly lighter
I’d like to wrap up the “preliminary research/onboarding” phase by June 21 and begin recruiting folks
Interviews until July 10 (if we’re lucky lol)
Research can run at the same time as interviews
Data analysis – likely in the form of some kind of 2 hour workshop (one-time thing)
Mid-July to August will be “actual” designing
Onboarding - (24 May 2021)
Individual Tasks (2 people on each) – how long do we need?
Tasks | People |
Compile list of technical requirements in Technical Requirements -- Telemetry Dashboard
| |
Competitive analysis in Competitive Analysis -- Telemetry Dashboard
Upcoming Tasks | People |
Start looking at user needs – we know nothing about this right now
| |
Digging deeper into pain points with existing data visualization solutions
To-Dos for me Joy He (Deactivated)