Centre console is the board which contains the main state logic for the entire car’s electrical system. It governs starting the system and controlling the power states, as well as the drive state of the car. When the car is off, this board, along with pedal and power distribution are the only ones which are powered, so that they can be used to start the broader system.
The car is powered on when the power button is pressed. Initially this is “aux power”, which means that car is powered by a supply separate to the main batteries. This means minimal functionality is available, and is good for testing initial startup. If the brake is pressed and the power button is pressed at the same time, the car will enter the main power state, powered by the main electrical system, and full functionality will be available.
Find out if we want a parked state (Ebrake/parking brake, if manual will it have a sensor?)Not needed- How are we handling ack messages?
- We should write a module to handle monitoring (ie. wait for a repeated event with a timeout)
Do CAN messages remain the same or are they cleared after each cycle?They will remain the same unless manually cleared
Power Button
Used to control power state, along with pedal
P, R, N, D → drive state control buttons
Hazard button → Latching, sends message to power distribution to strobe turn lights
DRL Lights
Buttons will be handled as gpio interrupts, received as notifications to the relevant fsm tasks. Maybe can block on notifications taking place? (TBD)
CAN messages
Pedal - Constantly monitor brake state to determine whether to enter main power state
Must receive value within 100MS (Could be certain number of cycles with new architecture)
Constantly monitor speed message - Must receive new message within 3 seconds
Send pre-charge and wait for complete message with a timeout
BMS - Heartbeat Message
If not received in 3 seconds, or has errors in message, a BPS fault has occurred
ACK messages from Power Distribution, MCI,
LED Indicators - All on a I2C Expander for 8 possible outputs
7-Segment displays (x3)
Center Console is the only driver interface. It controls all power transitions, motor output and steering lights. It also displays BMS data, vehicle speed and has LED indicators. This board is always on when the car is on.
Rundown of Center Console Functions:
Buttons to change state
Drive, Reverse, and Neutral
Regen Braking button
Hazard Button
three 7-segment displays with the below quantities
Speedometer (speed in km/h)
When we BPS fault it will display the error code instead
Current Readings (Amps)
Aux Battery Voltage (Volts)
Indicator LEDs
One for each of the above buttons (D/N/R/Haz/Reg)
Left turn signal
Right Turn Signal
Cruise control enabled indicator
BPS Fault Light
AFE Loss of Communications
Buzzer to highlight events
Button Clicks
BPS fault
Pedal Position
Maps ADC reading from 0-1 for the Motor Controller
Stores pedal calibration data in flash non-volatile memory
Refer to FW15 Pedal Board Design for more documentation! This board has been merged to CC. It is almost the same, but it doesn’t use the MAX11600. It instead uses a pedal that we ripped off a car
Steering Stalk
Toggles Left/Right lights
Toggles Cruise Control
Refer to FW15 Steering Design for more documentation! This board was merged to CC so it hasn’t really changed
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Centre Console Functionality
Module: cc_buttons
This module gets all button values. Buttons should be read in the fast cycle. They are connected to the pca9555 gpio expander, and must be read over i2c. This read function should send notifications to the requisite tasks.
Power Button, hazard, regen: send notifications to main task
R, N, D → Send notifications to Drive FSM
Module: update_dashboard
Static variables:
Functions (all called in medium cycle):
Gets notification value from button presses, updates indicator lights and output can_messages
Hazard enabled:
when pressed, toggle static hazard state
update indicator and cc_power_control.hazard_enabled message based on stored value
Regen Brake:
when pressed, toggle static regen brake state
update indicator and drive_output.regen_brake_enabled message based on stored value
Lights left/right
update left/right indicator based on steering stalk position
Cruise Control Enabled:
update static cc state + indicator based on steering stalk ISR (Button click)
update drive_output based on cc_state + target_velocity
update_displays() [SEPERATE TASK]
Reads values from CAN messages, uses values for 7-seg:
Calculated speed using RPM to MPH → speed display (Top)
Current reading in Amps → current display (Middle)
Aux Battery Voltage → aux batt display (Bottom)
Checks for cruise control inputs from steering stalk
Updates Cruise control target speed
Module: pedal
Module: steering
Drive FSM
The Drive FSM handles the control of drive state of the car. It receives the drive buttons (Neutral (N), Drive (D), Reverse(R)) and runs the preparations and checks needed to change the drive state of the car, and communicates this value with the motor controllers.
The initial/default state is Neutral. This is the mandated state of the FSM when we start the car up and are in POWER_IDLE state. In addition, any major faults should force the car into neutral.
The drive state is dependent on power_state. We expect to receive this message every cycle, and if we do not receive this message, we will record a fault after 3 cycles and enter neutral.
State Input Functions:
All the following must be met for a transition to happen from the following states
Neutral → Drive/Reverse
Button pressed (D/R)
Power state == POWER_DRIVE (received from Power distribution)
Speed == 0: All drive state transitions should happen when we are stopped
Runs precharge, and closes motor relay
Transmit DRIVE/REVERSE state to MCI
Drive/Reverse → Neutral
Neutral button or forced because of fault
Transmit NEUTRAL state to MCI
Reverse → Drive OR Drive → Reverse
Since we are an EV we can do this easily! Transmits NEW_STATE to MCI
The following represent a
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Power FSMThe power FSM governs the power state of the car. There are 4 main States:
For the main power states however, when we are transitioning there is a sequence of checks we run to make sure that the system is in a correct state to allow a transition. These steps typically involve sending a CAN message to another system, waiting for it to do its checks and balances and then receiving an acknowledgement (ACK) message. If these checks fail, we will transition back to the normal power state. The sequence model for these states is along the following lines:
The diagram is shown below, hexagons representing the sequence steps. The states themselves have no real functionality in their output functions. |
Power Aux Sequence |
Transmit CONFIRM_AUX_STATUS and receive ack OK
checking any aux faults before enabling power
Sent to power distribution, which turns on outputs needed for aux state
Power Main Sequence:
Power main sequence needs to send the following messages and receive an ack for each.
Tell power select to check any aux faults before enabling power (Maybe not needed in main seq?)
*From Power Aux, if a fault condition is detected (ie invalid power select status message) we should return to off Power main sequence
Battery checks, waits for ack
Power Select confirms DCDC
Power Distribution enables all boards
Power Off Sequence:
Discharge Precharge
Send message to MCI to discharge precharge
Turn Off everything
Tell Power distribution to turn off the relevant boards
Open Relays (Transition to fault on BPS Fault)
Drive FSM
The Drive FSM handles the control of drive state of the car. It receives the drive buttons (Neutral (N), Drive (D), Reverse(R), Parking (P)) and runs the preparations and checks needed to change the drive state of the car, and communicate this value with the motor controllers. One of these preparations is MCI Precharge.
The following conditions need to be met when changing the drive state
Successfully precharge (receive ack) MCI before going into a drive state (D or R)
Discharge MCI when exiting a drive state (to park or fault)
Neutral should stay charged
If a fault condition occurs, we should exit back to neutral and indicate failure.
State Input Functions:
All the following must be met for a transition to happen from the following states
Neutral → Drive
Drive button has been pressed (neutral state)
Power state is POWER_MAIN (neutral state)
Speed state is stationary (speed >= 0) (neutral state)
Get precharge state (state 1)
if state is down (not charged) go to state 2
else go to state 3 (is charged)
Turn on Pre-charge and get ack (state 2)
Transmit REVERSE state to MCI, receive ACK (state 3)
If either step fails, return to neutral
Neutral → Reverse
Drive button has been pressed (neutral state)
Power state is POWER_MAIN (neutral state)
Speed state is stationary (speed <= 0) (neutral state)
Get precharge state (state 1)
if state is down (not charged) go to state 2
else go to state 3 (is charged)
Turn on Pre-charge and get ack (state 2)
Transmit REVERSE state to MCI, receive ACK (state 3)
Drive → Neutral
Neutral button or force (sent by power fsm) or drive_state != main (drive state)
Transmit NEUTRAL state to MCI, receive ACK (state 1)
Reverse → Neutral
Neutral button or force (sent by power fsm) or drive_state != main (drive state)
Transmit NEUTRAL state to MCI, receive ACK (state 1)
Centre Console Communications:
Between power and drive fsm:
Create a struct that is protected by a mutex.
Power fsm will update its state
Drive fsm will read power state
Both fsms will/can update the error status, and both fsms will read the error status.
Current drive state, (forward, reverse, cuise, off?)
cruise target velocity, ignored if not in cruise.