This guide will explain how the MS14 simulations should be set up to simulate the regulation impact scenarios.
There are 13 scenarios that need to be simulated :to pass the ASC regulations. FEA simulations will not give completely reliable and accurate results, so it is crucial that the results are checked and reviewed with hand calculations.
- Front impact (bar)
- Rear impact (bar)
- Side impact (bar)
- A-pillar impact (wall)
- B-pillar impact (wall)
- C-pillar impact (wall)
- Side 30 degree impact (wall)
- Side 60 degree impact (wall)
- Front 30 degree impact (wall)
- Front 60 degree impact (wall)
- Top 30 degree impact (wall)
- Top 60 degree impact (wall)
- Top impact (wall)
Before you start ANSYS, you should have these CAD models ready
- Steel chassis
- Composite catamaran
- Impact objects (All 13 impact objects should be combined into one file for convenience)
- Here, all of the impact objects are combined in one model. In the simulations, we will suppress the unneeded objects instead of having a separate model for each object.
- In this picture we can see that the front portion of the chassis has been connected to the front panel of the catamaran
- I added a contact region between the bottom edge of the chassis to the edge of the catamaran
- Your workbench should now have 2 mechanical models, one with the chassis and the catamaran, the other with the impact objects
- You will have all of the impact objects in your model, just suppress the impact objects that you do not need