MS15.5 todo:
Blockers for car running:
Harnessing - mostly solved
HV inside battery box to be re-crimped
Do not harness second motor, tie up wires to prevent damage (disconnect motor from controller)
I think faults due to heat
Install heat sink (brown cardboard box on back hw shelf named “vicor”) - check thermal grease, add if not there
Must be done with two motors until rear hub installed by mech
Road testing: install 1.6A fuse for DCDC, ensure it doesn’t blow
2x PD total (after validation/new resistor calculation, changed UV/OV power path resistors are not in altium)
1x more BMS carrier (unless new is tested/implemented)
Focus on getting car on the road, no new projects installed
If too many hands, focus on test rigs for new projects
maybe solar sense - evaluate after new CB bringup
Split battery box:
Wires needed:
Inside the box:
37 for voltage taps
18 for thermistors
3(+) for current sense
9(+) for contactors
8x for fans
Out of the box:
4x CAN
4x power (to CC)
PD: Battery box cluster (on carrier), everything else cluster (on centre console)
4x connections to CC, 4x to carrier
powerpath (or equiv) just on BMS, switching only on CC
Overall architecture:
In back box:
“combining” board from battery box to BMS
fuse here (include PTC < actual fuse)
Takes in 37/ribbon cable from taps
Takes in cable with thermistors (same ^?)
Out: 3x (something) to each AFE with tap and thermistors
Connects to combining board (tap and thermistor) and other afe (isospi) only
Rear Control
Drives 3 relays and motor switch (reg review)
Deals with motor controller CAN and power
Communicates with AFEs and current sense (isoSPI, iso?)
Powerpath (equiv), in from aux and dcdc, power internally, motor controller, 4x out to CC
Drives fan(s)
current sense:
Sits with cells in “HV” area
single connection to combining board
in our box
Needs HV in and high current out to BMS carrier (in box)
Aux battery
In our box
Direct to carrier (fuse)
in HV area, 9x+ connections to our box, driven by carrier
Perhaps replace motor with fet
In HV area
8x to carrier
Not in back box:
front controller
All current CC stuff
4x power in from rear control, switches lights/everything else
Telemetry, Solar Sense, IMU
Connects to front control
Switched by front controller
Connects to front controller
driven by front controller
Driver ventilation
fans to front controller