All Times Local (Central Time for Nashville to Kearney. Mountain Time for Gering to Casper)
Stage 1
Start |
Location details and significance
Start Time
End Point
Location details and significance
July 20th | Adventure Science Center; Nashville, TN | |
Checkpoint | July 20th | Downtown Paducah Farmers Market; Paducah, KY |
End | July 21st 10:45am-6pm | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Edwardsville, IL |
Stage Overview:
Total Distance:
Key Checkpoints:
Graphs and data on elevation profiles:
Quality and type of road surfaces:
Expected traffic and any potential congestion points:
Predicted temperature, precipitation, and wind conditions:
Key Segments and Challenges:
Charging Locations:
Support and Service Points:
Accommodation and Food:
Recommendations for teams and support staff:
Permits and permissions required:
Detailed turn-by-turn directions
Major highways and roads used
Elevation Changes
Details and coordinates for each checkpoint
Detailed Elevation Maps
Weather Data Tables