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Neoden 4 Manual

All images and instructions from Neoden 4 Manual 1.0


  1. Introduction

“The Neoden 4 is a 4-axis Windowscontrolled CNC with four separate vacuum nozzles, each connected to its own vacuum pump. The machine employs a single X-Y coordinate system covering the entire movement range of the head, which is 310x500 mm. With resolution of .01 mm (10 µm) and repeatability of .02 mm (20 µm), any X-Y coordinate can be identified as the location of a feeder, the start of an array of components in a tray or short tape, a fiducial mark or the location at which a component is to be placed on a circuit board.”

2. Installing Components:

  1. Installing tape and reel components:

    1. Lift the angled tab on the feeder, and insert the tape so the sprocket holes rest on the tooth of the gear. 

    2. Pull the end of the cover tape through the large feeding slot in the feeder, over the brass block.

    3. Allow the spring to pull the feeder cover over the tape.

    4. Lift the silver tab on the peeler to separate the gears.

    5. Thread the cover tape through the slot on the angled tab, and through the gears on the peeler until the tape extends through the back slot of the peeler. If the tape does not extend through the whole peeler before the gears are closed, it will likely jam.

    6. Allow the spring in the peeler to close the plastic feeding gears.


2. Installing tube-fed components:

i. Install the tube feeder guide. This polished steel guide is included with the machine and bolts to the table with two Allen screws (included).


ii. Screw the round horizontal tube guides into the plate as shown. These round guides will hold pressure on the tube to maintain a good feeding angle and prevent movement.

iii. Adjust the width of the black vibration feeder guides as necessary for each tube. If the tubes hold very small components, it may be beneficial to use tape to cover the front slots between the black guides.

  1. Installing trays and short tapes

    1. Trays and short tapes can be placed anywhere on the table that is not in the space or path required by the board. If the width of the rail setting necessitates removal of the left steel table extension, first install a piece of metal or plastic sufficient to raise the height of the table to roughly the height of the extension. If the table extension is installed, simply affix the tray or tape to the extension using double-sided tape or any other suitable method. It is important that the components be placed in a reasonably straight horizontal or vertical orientation, and that the tray or tape is placed flat to avoid variations in pick height.



  1. Interface Page


  1. The second tab at the top of the interface opens the manual test screen. This screen contains a convenient selection of tools to verify the operational status of most components of the Neoden 4. Most functions of the manual test screen can also be accessed from other areas of the interface.

  2. Feeder/Peeler. Arranged on the left and right sides of the screen are feeder and peeler IDs that correspond graphically to a typical arrangement of feeders on the Neoden 4. Clicking on any feeder or peeler will activate the assigned feeder/peeler combination (assuming, that a unit is configured and connected for the ID clicked). Use these tests conservatively when parts are loaded, because the feeder will advance, and a component will be ejected from the tape.

  3. Placement Head. This section contains tools to verify the proper operation of the head, head movement system and nozzles. To use these tools, first select the nozzle of interest.

    1. The “Blow” button will release a brief jet of air from the selected nozzle. Place a finger under the nozzle to verify operation. A small increase in positive value should appear on the screen.

    2. The “Suck” button will engage vacuum for the selected nozzle. Place a finger over the nozzle to block airflow, and press the button. If the unit is operating correctly, you will feel the vacuum, and the “pressure” indicator will change from a positive to a significant negative value while vacuum is present.

    3. The “Turn left” and “Turn right” buttons activate the rotational axis of the selected nozzle. Because rotation of the smooth black nozzles is difficult to observe, it is easiest to verify function by watching the motion of the vacuum tubes at the top of the head.

    4. The “Nozzle Down” button will lower the selected nozzle by the full 12 mm travel. Releasing the button causes the nozzle to return to its upper position.

    5. The “Flash” button activates the lighting for the downward looking camera. Press once for the inner lights, again for the outer lights, again for both, and a fourth press will turn the lights off.

    6. The “Photograph” button verifies operation of the downward-looking camera by moving the head back and displaying a photograph of the table.

    7. The “Move Head” button allows repositioning of the head in three ways:

      1. By using the “Visual field” method, the head can be moved precisely by clicking on the portion of the screen relative to the center crosshairs, which indicate the current position of the camera. Because of the extreme closeup vision of the camera, only small moves are possible with each click.

      2. With the “Mouse Vectors” setting, the screen turns grey, and represents the entire area of movement possible over the table. Clicking in any region of the screen allows rapid, coarse movement of the head. This can be convenient for speeding alignment, as well as for moving the head to a more convenient general location for the task being performed.

      3. The ”Keyboard Jog” method allows movement in of the head along the X-Y axes in .1 mm increments. Additional keyboard controls are noted on the screen. To exit this mode, press the Escape key.

    8. Z Axis. When in an alignment screen, the default “camera” setting allows the visual check of X-Y coordinates. But the selection of one of the nozzles as an alignment method allows the manual extension of the nozzle along its 12 mm Z-axis travel. This feature is useful not only to verify operation of the Z-axis motor, but to determine the best values for “pick height” and “place height” in the feeder settings of a P&P program. 

    9. In addition, when using feeders too far back for the camera to align, (e.g., usually 17-19 on the right-hand side) this method allows the user to position a nozzle and test to ensure that it descends onto the component in the feeder. While this method is less convenient that camera alignment, it allows the user to make the greatest use possible of the available table real estate by installing additional feeders.

    10. The “Rail Control” button allows a simple means of moving the rail system forward and backward to verify operation.

  4. In the “Host Control” section, seven controls complete the manual test interface.

    1. The “Flash” button activates the lighting system for the upward-looking camera. A second press turns off the lights.

    2. The “Image” button verifies operation of the upward-looking camera by displaying an image on the screen. Because the camera focus is set to take very sharp pictures of the nozzles and any components they are carrying, pressing this button may produce only a blurry image unless an object (like the head) is present over the camera at the correct height. Pressing “Cancel” returns the user to the main screen. (The Lens Rotation and Save buttons are used for nozzle alignment purposes, and perform no valuable function in the Manual Test context).

    3. The “Feed Command” activates the rail system for those units so equipped.

    4. The “Buzzer” button sounds the internal warning tone for as long as it is pressed.

    5. The “Clear X-Y” button should only be used to correct an error condition displayed in the “XX Status” annunciator position. When the status reads “Idle,” the system is functioning normally and there is no need to use this button.

    6. The “Home” button causes the X-Y drives to return the head to the machine’s home position, and reset the X-Y geometry based on the physical limit switches in the unit. Use this button to verify operation of the limit switches, and also to restore the home position in the event of an accidental head crash into an object inadvertently left on the table.

    7. The “Vibration feeder” check-box will activate the vibration feeder motor when checked. Leave the box unchecked except for this brief test.
