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What is the purpose of the budget reports?
PM Opinion
Finance Opinion
Comparison to the prior term
Who should be reviewing these reports and how often? @Finance
prepared once every four months
Leads + PMs + core members
Let’s say I’m a PM of the Aerobody team - can you walk through how I would review the subteam’s budget and spending in the report? @Finance
Finance can’t say who gets what’s spending - lack of info for them to know
What in the budget report is important for a lead?
Estimated monetary spending
What are the tax kickbacks - are they only applied to MEF and how much? @Finance
~8% HST rebate per purchase
With the new purchase planning sheet, how should one use the
budget report with it to plan a purchase? @Finance
The issue of not reviewing reports has come up in the past - why do we think members don’t review them?
PM Opinion
Finance Opinion
Is there somewhere we can store these budget reports for easier access?
Discussion between PMs and Finance
Questions for a later time