The marketing team influences the public image and perception of Midnight Sun.
Responsibilities Include:
- Social media announcements on: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
- Website content and design
- Photography
- Film production
- Graphics design and production
Website: http://www.uwmidsun.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uwmidsun/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/uwmidsun?lang=en
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uwmidsun/
Current Leads:
Toni Li Tony Wang
Goals for Winter 2017
- Launch the new website
- Produce the EOT video (make it more targeted)
- Sponsorship package
- Adopt a Cell program strategy
- Feature Video: Altium Thank You Video
- Bay Window Graphic
- Graphical Handout
- Business Cards
- Graphic portrait for events
Goals for Spring 2017
Goals for Fall 2017
- Adopt a Cell campaign
- Tier layout
- Media (Videos, photos.. etc)
- Launch
- Order, package and ship
- MSXII Infographic
- Business cards