- Where in the car could generate loud sound?
- Rationale: To figure out where we should use noise cancellation; understand limitations in space and shape.
- What materials are used in car industry?
- Rationale: To figure out the safest way which is modifying existing products in the industry.
- What materials are used in the architecture industry?
- Rationals: To find a way which may be missed by the normal car industry
- Research on MSXIV
- Understanding if the material is practical
- Validation
- Conventional noise-canceling methods include thick insulation or specialized tires to minimize noise from driving over rough roads or uneven pavement. But these fixes can increase vehicle weight and drive down fuel efficiency.https://www.theverge.com/2019/1/9/18175748/bose-noise-canceling-system-car-ces-2019
- How to avoid that?
- Conventional noise-canceling methods include thick insulation or specialized tires to minimize noise from driving over rough roads or uneven pavement. But these fixes can increase vehicle weight and drive down fuel efficiency.https://www.theverge.com/2019/1/9/18175748/bose-noise-canceling-system-car-ces-2019
Forced Ranking
Where in the car could generate loud sound?
Electric cars are quieter than their internal combustion engine-having counterparts.The only noises EVs usually generate is caused by wind resistance or tire noises, and that is only at moderate to higher speeds.https://www.theverge.com/2019/9/16/20869035/electric-car-ev-fake-noise-nhtsa
With the absence of acoustic emissions from an operating internal combustion engine, the presence of high pitched tonal components from the electric traction motor can be pronounced in many driving conditions.The perception of tonal components appearing in a mix of random noise from wind and tires. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1011065/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Three main aspects of noise:
From the engine: high pitched tonal
From wind
From tire