Description | BMS Carrier Firmware |
Target release | MSXIV |
Epic | |
Document owner | |
Project leads | |
Team members | Arshan Khanifar Zubair Waheed (Deactivated) |
<put summary of project here>Detail the behaviour of the BMS carrier board and how firmware should enable/control it
Background and strategic fit
Overview of Board Behaviour (Firmware)
Possible Events (Internal / Synchronous)
Possible Events (External / Out of our control / Asynchronous)
Meeting Notes
- used for state of the charge model:
- state of the charge status of battery how much eneergy
- we need fast logging for a good soc model
- overcharge
- over temperature
- over current
- undercharge
- power distribution tells u something’s wrong
- dc dc failed
- precharge board:
- precharge failed
- controls the relayrelays
- if AFE undervoltage, we disconnect the entire relayrelays
- you can also disconnect from car power button so that comes from can
- other conditions:
- controls fans based on the temp
- car turn on: checks battery pack status, then connects relays
- turns on the current sense board: firmware doesn't need to care it's literally a line that goes to it.
- PI will be SOC algorithm
- connetion between pi's havne't made decision