This is a simple introduction to programming on the msp430 microcontroller, which was the main microcontroller for Midnight Sun XI
- All code running on our electrical system is written in C. It would be a good idea to become familiar with C before continuing with this tutorial. You can find many resources online about programming in C such as this one.
- Install code composer studio (CCS)
- Simply make an account on TI website, and after you have completed that find the download link for windows, linux, or mac (depending on what you use) from this site. Just run through the installer (default options should be fine) and you will have code composer studio installed.
- Simply make an account on TI website, and after you have completed that find the download link for windows, linux, or mac (depending on what you use) from this site. Just run through the installer (default options should be fine) and you will have code composer studio installed.