Come up with at least three designs and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each. Include sketches and screenshots of CAD models where applicable.
Driver Research Session 1
- Goal: To gain a better understanding of the racing process and driver/passenger frustrations
- Main insights:
- Drivers need more feedback from the car
- Most important information for drivers
- Speed
- Battery pack voltage (SOC)
- Turn signal
- Drive state
- Improve communication method (radio/PTT)
- Visibility (cameras)
- Goal: To test hypothesis.
Displaying the driver display and telemetry/infotainment on two 10.1 in. center screens will provide the best user experience for both drivers/passengers and the electrical team
- Cleaner look
- Accessible/visible to both driver and passenger
- Provides more horizontal dash space for side camera monitors
- Main insights/design changes:
- Decrease size of driver display screen and move it behind steering wheel
- Make center console screen horizontal
- Add cruise control display
Driver display (still in progress, need to add cruise control)