This page is a collection of the calculations, options and details pertaining to the array for MS-XIV.
TodoIn discussions with:
- Array normalization
- Send proposal of layout to Sunpower/Gochermann
- Review layout proposal
- Obtain quote
- Select encapsulation options
- Gochermann Solar Technologies (
- Contact: Oliver (
- SunCat Solar
- Contact: Alain
- Wattlab
- Contact: David Kester (
Solar Collector Details
Solar cells being used: Decision has not yet been made pending quotes on the E66 ?e3 generation cells. The current fallback is the Sunpower E60 Me1 cells (same as those used on MSXII)
- Sunpower Maxeon Gen III (
- E60) - Datasheet
MPPTs: would prefer Elmar based on the layout of the array panel, however still waiting to hear back from Elmar
- Nomura 18-33V - Manual
- Elmar
Array Layout
Aerobody Array Layout (as of July 17th)