Overview of Article
This article will go over the Solar Energy Project for Midnight Sun XIV as it stands on 6/18/2019, describing the the physics behind the system, inputs of the system, its projected outputs, and the work left TO DO.
Physics of System
Midnight Sun is a solar car vehicle, and therefore receives most (ideally all) of its energy from the sun. This makes it imperative to understand the physical systems that underlie that power generation.
Lastly, we are concerned with cell efficiency. Treated more effectively in the section above, the cell efficiency is a measure of the ratio between the solar energy received by the vehicle and the amount added to the battery.
Inputs of System
We will be given latitude and longitude values, as well as the day of the year and expected 'cloudiness' (a fudge coefficient that reconciles measured solar insolation with predicted solar insolation).
Outputs of System
We will be given back a series of instantaneous energy values, which can be queried over time for the total energy added to the car.