There's currently no mechanism to get data off the Pi. I've been working on a way for two telemetry servers to communicate with each other (
Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | 6df7ba0d-c6df-39f5-b19f-bb96d235af5f |
key | ELEC-610 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | 6df7ba0d-c6df-39f5-b19f-bb96d235af5f |
key | ELEC-613 |
). Bascially one telemetry backend starts streaming CAN message to another via HTTP chunked encoding. This seems to work well enough. I also added some basic authentication, and will hopefully be able to add letsencrypt support so that we're not streaming everything
over in plaintext.
Also, we currently don't have a way to query / display historical data. Might be an issue, maybe something we can improve.