The following is a list of 18650 cells distributors, in rough order of recommendation to purchase cells from.
Distributor | Location | Ships From (at least for small orders) | Relative Pricing (price for 1000x MJ1, USD) | Relative Pricing (price for 1000x Sanyo GA, USD) | Relative Pricing (price for 1000x Sony VC7, USD) | Notes |
Queen Battery | China | China | 2.70 | Ships from china, might be a hassle, but still much cheaper that the others | ||
Battery Bro | California, USA | Hong Kong, China | 3.24 | N/A | Advertises easy customs and shipping procedures, no hidden fees | |
NKON | Netherlands, EU | Netherlands, EU | 3.77 | Taxes, imports, and VAT extra | ||
IMR Batteries | Texas, USA | Texas, USA | 4.00 | 4.10 | Taxes, imports, and VAT extra. This is where we got the test cells for MSXIV | |
Li-ion Wholesale | Pennsylvania, USA | Pennsylvania, USA | 4.73 | 4.14 | Cells were bought from here for MSXII - large orders shipped from China? | |
Battery Junction | Connecticut, USA | Connecticut, USA | 5.15 (possibly lower) | Taxes, imports, extra | ||
Fast Tech | China | China | 5.15 (possibly lower) | Not a specialized battery distributor | ||
Voltaplex | Hong Kong, China | Hong Kong, China | 3.90 |