For the test conditions down the left side apply the following settings:
Setting | Value |
Discharge Condition | Discharge Current |
Discharge Current | 1, 3, or 5 Amps multiplied by the number of cells in parallel (different for 21700 cells) |
Stop Condition | Cut-Off Voltage |
Voltage | Look on cell’s datasheet for End Voltage of Cut Off Voltage (Usually 2.5V, Samsung 35Es are 2.65V) |
There are other ways to discharge test a cell, but for capacity measurement, we are going with this method.
Get the data from the multimeter by connecting over Ethernet and copy the data to Excel or to a text file. See this video for details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MZHP6gKcOU. The video makes it look extremely easy, but it really isn't (at least nowadays).
After a few hours of trying different configurations, I got it to work using Internet Explorer, having Java RE 7u79 installed (the web applet uses java), and bypassing all the security features that prevent an old version of java from running (https://www.math.ucsd.edu/~crypto/fixjava.html). Since updating the firmware, it now works with Java 8.
The above is a method that I have found that works, although there might be easier methods. Keysight creates a software called BenchVue that advertises that it is able to connect to and control the Agilent 34410A multimeter. I have not tested it yet, but it is costly software.