- If you've made it this far, congratulations! You've found Confluence, the go-to center for information on the team. Feel free to take a look around and get used to Confluence. In particular, we recommend GEN, which has a brief history of the team and some general info about who we are.
- If you haven't yet, join our Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwmidsunmembers/) and get on our Slack (uwmidsun.slack.com). Once you're there, join the #sponsorship channel (If you're confused on how to do this, just message Micah Bai or Clarke Vandenhoven (Deactivated).We recommend sending a brief message to the channel introducing yourself, although it's not required. We just want to get to know you!).
- Read through the MSXII sponsorship package (which can be found here: MSXII Sponsorship Package). There's lots of information about the team there, and you'll need to know it before being able to talk to sponsors (no need to memorize, but have a few facts you can throw out about the team in your back pocket).
- Once you're comfortable with the package, message Clarke Vandenhoven (Deactivated) or Micah Bai on Slack, and we'll get back to you on next steps. Also, try to clear out Thursdays at 7:30PM (general meetings) and Sundays at 9PM 8:30PM (Business team meetings). Most of the tasks on the team are ad hoc, but we keep a Trello board going to keep track of major tasks (if you want to see that, message Tak Alguire)
- Good luck! The sponsorship team is one of the most important teams, and is filled with unique and interesting problems to solve!