- Driver display board (Andy)
- Solar sense firmware (Misha)
- IMU board (Ash)
- Get them the data sheet
- Get them to figure out how to read data from the board
- GPS board(Misha)
- Figuring out why motor interface messages aren’t sending (Calder)
- X86 abstraction layer stuff is just an array of data that doesn’t really do much(Calder)
- -create a UI to validate that things work
- some of our tests need to be better (Calder)
- Reduce # of locations where a fault can occur(Calder)
- Differentiate between soft and hard faults
- Have a fault LED rather than making noise
- Power distribution should not cause the car to stop instantly
- Make a bot that allows codegen to detect commits and updates
- Calder is going to be doing the re- architecting for telemetry, with the assistance of a new-generation member :
- Will pull some new comers to do come some research (3-4ppl)