Here's an old Sunswift telemetry screen from 2010-2013 that I found sitting around on their Bitbucket. Their last commit was in 2014, and the project is listed under their deprecated projects, so I'm pretty sure this is no longer what they use. It's a native application called Scanalysis written using the Python GTK bindings.
The console is pretty bare-bones, and shows CAN messages in their raw format. Having access to this is useful for debugging the telemetry software itself, since this console should be super solid (and the easiest to get working).
One feature that Scanalysis supposedly has is the ability to follow display a strategy (ie. a speed profile calculated by their optimizer). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a public repository containing an implementation of their strategy optimization algorithms, but Scanalysis will parse a strategy file and track:
This system also allows the speed profile file to be edited manually by the user, if they want to simulate the effect of running at a particular speed profile.
They also Here's their DC/DC tab, which shows Battery and Motor Controller graphs.
Here's their GPS tab, which plots positional data (position over time and altitude over time).
They also seem to have support for some form of Routine Control, which allows them to dynamically change certain parameters in the car. Here, we see that they have the capabilities of setting MPPT sweep algorithms and various setpoints.
The Battery tab plots pack voltage and an current. I assume the Corrected Voltage is used when comparing predicted projections against the actual consumption at a time, so that they can easily tweak model parameters.
A summary of all the systems in the car. As someone who was monitoring vehicle telemetry during ASC 2018, I think all this information here is super useful when just monitoring what is going on. They've done a good job at summarizing everything that you would need.
Here's some more graphs.
Delft University of Technology