Custom motor machined by former UofMichigan Solar team alumni/graduate students, proven to be very reliable and used since 2014.
Motor Controller : WS22, so same as us, has a nice mount with water-proofing in mind, but wants to do it better(see photos).
Looks like Maxeon Sunpower cells
Use X Photon 3 MPPTs, but want to eventually try custom, company went kapok
Telemetry lolTelemetry isn’t anything too special, using Wi-Fi currently but range limited, wants to try something with Cellular
PCS is Vicor DCM, but they’re having issues and want to go Custom
Harnessing/Connectors : Zip Ties, sleeving on cables, clearly defined routing channel area to look clean. Look into Phoenix Connectors and Deutsche connectors for robustness for CAN lines.
STM32F429 is their main MCU
General Architecture and Board Config : BMS Board(Carrier/AFE/Current Sensing/MCI/PCS/Contactor and recharge integrated), Main STM32 Computing central hub, mounted in front.
Steering stalk/center console is a board inside steering wheel(see pictures), uses buttons and display and automotive standard connectors.(See photos)
BMS is similar to us, LTC6811 but everything is on one large board
Steering stalk has a separate mechanical and electrical disconnect(see photos)