State | Description | Transition |
Power Off | The vehicle is off |
Power On | The vehicle is on |
State | Description | Transition |
Pedal Brake | The car is on, but braking is active |
Pedal Coast | The gas pedal is pressed just enough to allow the car to coast. |
Pedal Drive | The brakes are engaged and the car is not moving |
Cruise Control | The car is currently in cruise control mode |
Direction State Machine
This state machine governs the possible gear shifts made by the user. Transitions in the pedal state machine depend on the current state of this FSM.
State | Description | Transition |
Hazard Light On | Hazard lights are currently active |
Hazard Light Off | Hazard lights are currently inactive |
Horn State Machine
State | Description | Transition |
Horn Off | The horn is off |
Horn On | The horn is blaring |
Push-to-Talk State Machine
State | Description | Transition |
Push-to-Talk Active | Push-to-Talk is currently |
Push-to-Talk Inactive | Push-to-Talk is off |