Front plane to Hip Node variable Discussion
Airfoil shape, 5g Front impact considerations, solar array area optimization
FSU & RSU Space claimed, starting nodal for linkage skeleton diagram
Pending on Nodal, may relocate driver
Front Wall/ Floor monuted, looking into custom pedal complexity
Flat sides vs tear drop top view
Canopy width → dependent to rollcage width
Canopy Length → ideal 6x Canopy Height, Canopy Height = (Hip-to-head)cos25 - Aerobody Height + Clearance
Playing around with aerobody width to enable 6m^2 of array area
Easier to remove from car vs Easier to access within car
Larger contributor to goal is reduced weight and ability to get closer to the box
Hardware Box added in space claim as the separate box greatly improves electrical accessibility
Location dependent on CG calc (waiting on approximation of rollcage mass)
Work In Progress Design Matrix for Battery location
SharePoint PowerPoint Presentation: https://uofwaterloo-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/s56kim_uwaterloo_ca/ETd178EVoUFOuKsiE9cwnA8BwzVGgWqd-FrLMp7qdtK5VQ?e=KIupxs
angle of attack? nose compartment free game
Canopy elongation for better aero performance (provide ref.)
Main design constraint for space is solar area & tail cantilever
Referencing MS15 enclosure dimensions
refer to rivian concept
100% double wishbone
Current suspension dimensions are in line with jens referral
Richard Wang Winters Xia Please provide sources
Created parametric hardpoint frame
Potential to reinvest into upside down trapezoid hardpoint config
RSU no architectural changes expect maybe a bellcrank, pending
Action Item: Proper dimensions for next space claim
Due to decision to go ackerman & looking into moving the driver forward, the steering linkage is to be above FSU
Rough nodal to be devised for next space claim to accurately determine allocated volume
Over-exaggeration of tire angles to prevent interference
Motor controller Space Claim
Requires airflow, 100% waterproof (not in the path of any water ingress or perfectly sealed), less then 3ft from motor, accessible when roof is up
parking brake opposite side of motor
Rear suspension: very similar to MS15
targeting ackerman steering, therefore volume in front of the upright is free game