Note that independent reviews with leads and other members throughout this entire period are encouraged! You are not limited to just the scheduled reviews!!!
Phase 1 [
1st and 2nd week] - Reviews held at Exteriors meetings, Tuesdays @7:30pm
Phase 1 is all about getting some of the thoughts on how to solve the design, along with some of the key constraints/considerations to get ready for detailed design.
Conceptual Design: Sketches of design concepts, with labels and descriptions where needed to effectively communicate design ideas.
1st week: completed concept sketches and vehicle dimensions
2nd week: completed first CAD iteration within SolidWorks
Material Selection: Use past experiences and intuition to select materials for your Aerobody design (e.g. steel shouldn’t be used as the our Aerobody material because it’s too heavy based our power output constraints)
Phase 2 [
3rd and 4th week] - Reviews held at Exteriors meetings, Tuesdays @7:30pm
Phase 2 gets into the nitty-gritty of the design. Does my design reduce flow separation and boundary layers? Is my coefficient of drag low enough? How are we going to make it? Is it cost effective? And plenty more questions. Hopefully by the end you have a fully designed prototype Aerobody that hits all the checkboxes.