The defining characteristic of I2C buses is that both SCL and SDA are open-drain pins. Put simply, this the pins are driven by a single transistor(MOSFET), where the drain is connected to the signal, and the source is tied to ground. This means the STM32 can only pull the line LOW. It needs a pull-up resistor to go back HIGH, as the pin is left floating. This plays a crucial role in preventing contention (Covered in arbitration and clock stretching) and leaving the output in something called “High-Z”
Notice that there is only 1 NMOS transistor that controls Vout. A Pull-up/Pull-down GPIO has two transistors. When Vin is HIGH, Vout = GND. However, when Vin is LOW, we notice that Vout is left floating. That's when the pull-up resistor pulls the line HIGH.