Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C is known ) is a communication protocol commonly used to connect microcontrollers (MCUs) to various integrated circuits (ICs) like IMUs, temperature sensors, multiplexers, and more. It's popular for its simple hardware interface, multi-slave communication capability, and low power consumption.
SDA = Serial Data = Streams binary data onto the bus
SCL = Serial Clock = Synchronizes binary data. SDA is sampled on the rising edge of SCL
Take an example waveform:
It is a relatively slower protocol running 100 kbit/s at standard speed and 400 kbit/s at full speed
We notice that I2C is an 8-bit communication protocol, meaning that for every 8 bits we receive an ACK. We can also take note of the following characteristics:
START BIT = Pulling SDA low while SCL is high
END BIT = Pulling SCL high while SDA is low
ACK/NACK BIT = This is the 9th bit. ACK means the message was received properly, bit will be 0. NACK means the message was not received, bit will be 1
Standard I2C Communication Steps:
Addressing [0:8]:
The master starts by sending a 7-bit address of the slave device it wants to communicate with
The 8th bit indicates the operation: 0 = Write, 1 = Read
Acknowledge [9]:
After the address byte, the slave device responds with an ACK bit if it recognizes the address.
Data Transmission [10:]:
Depending on the operation (Read or Write), data is either sent master → slave or slave → master.
The receiver sends an ACK bit for every byte of data to confirm successful reception
Stop Condition:
The master ends the communication by generating a STOP condition.
The defining characteristic of I2C buses is that both SCL and SDA are open-drain pins. Put simply, this means the STM32 can only pull the line LOW. It needs a pull-up resistor to go back HIGH.
Notice that there is only 1 NMOS transistor that controls Vout. A Pull-up/Pull-down GPIO has two transistors. When Vin is HIGH, Vout = GND. However, when Vin is LOW, we notice that Vout is left floating. That's when the pull-up resistor pulls the line HIGH.
Packet Protocol:
Clock Stretching: