Monitoring over-voltage, under-voltage, imbalance. How to separate conditions that are unideal for cells vs conditions that are genuinely dangerous? Currently, BMS will fault if cell goes lower than 2.5V. How much wiggle room is there/can we go a little lower than that or is that a hard limit? We’re currently using LGM50 cells, but there is a newer version LGM50T that exists. The datasheet for LGM50T says 2.5V is the minimum guaranteed/recommended good operating voltage, but lower end for safety is 2.0V. Good cell performance cant be guaranteed (might lose capacity) if you go below 2.5V though. Upper end is 4.25V.
How large of an imbalance should we allow? Mayy be 0.1V-0.2V (need to confirm) But overall, imbalance itself isn’t an issue. Imbalance is an issue insofar as over-voltage and under-voltage is an issue.
What's the max current we can draw? Safe temperature? 50C for charging, 60C for operating/discharging Shut regen off and solar input after 50C, firmware will need to update for this
When should fans kick in?