- Geometry: Load our car aerobody CAD and define our wind tunnel dimensions
- Mesh: Build an accurate mesh that represents reality
- Solution: Define parameters to solve
The Process
Note: Steps in BLUE represent actions one would do to perform inside ANSYS.
This is ANSYS workbench. ANSYS's Fluent Module is used to perform the analysis.
1.1) Double click on "Fluid Flow "Fluent" to load the module.
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The module contains five parts: geometry, mesh, setup, solution and results. Each have their respective status symbol.
what we wantthe goal. It indicates the step is complete and we can move on.
Up To Date: This isUnfullfilled: The previous step is incomplete and "upstream" data is missing
Refresh Required: For our pruposes, its the same as update required.
Looking at our Our current module , we have has everything unfulfilled and attention is required on the geometry step. Each cell must be "Up to Date" before starting the next step. If "Update Required" ever appears, simply press "Update Project".
Double click geometry to open the Geometry Modeller.
The simulation will begin to solve. We can cancel at anytime we believe we've hit steady state (when the values converge and graph is horizontal)will wait for the solution to converge. If the solution hasn't converged by the end of the 1000 iterations, simply add more iterations.
Post Processing