How to read input: Problem with displacement-based sensors is distance from rotating axis: Potentiometer Limit Switch
‘Tape Measure’ Force-variable resistor Hydraulic Sensor Design Concerns To-do: Samson Wong find a limit switch that works within mechanical parameters defined, which are: Limit switch actuator must displace 2.5mm limit switch travel to actuate~4mm cylinder travel to actuatein order to count as ‘unactivated’ ^^ actuation must occur after around 4mm cylinder travel screw mounting if possible, no hot glue pls 😞 look thru the limit switches on digikey
make the pedal arbitrarily 10 degrees forward (or such that it doesn’t look stupid to press) check the “Pedal Behaviour Nodal” sketch uploaded to the Github, or make ur own, to define the geometry appropriately look up what a normal resting position and angular travel for a car brake pedal is find the ‘absolute limit' of pedal depression using sketches in the assembly ('what is the furthest the pedal can be tilted forward such that the heel is still on the floor, but the mounting bracket at the bottom does not interfere?')